So... i was driving to work listening to my regular "morning show" talk about the things they talk about ... and sometimes the subjects are stupid .. and that's when I throw in a CD and blast my way to work "listening" to something mind numbing until my car finds its way into the parking lot at work ... or .. other times I will listen -- if they decide to talk about something REALLY hilarious -- then i get to laugh my a$$ off all the way to work and wonder how I got here without crashing into someone on the way!!
Today's subject:
The MOST Overrated Places to Have Sex!!!
Callers were invited to call in and tell their stories.... and you know everyone listening is thinking "hmmm... what's the most ridiculous place *I* have done the nasty" ?!?! (you know YOU'RE thinking that RIGHT NOW, huh?!) Some of the more hilarious ones from the listeners....
- Lady Calls in: CAR HOOD... Bad Idea... She says….I was about 16 and my boyfriend and I thought it would be really cool to do it on the hood of his car while it was raining... You know? Like in the movies? It looks so Glamourous? So Sexxxxxy? Slippery? Wet? Hair Slicked back... Wet Bodies?? No!!! You struggle to keep you’re a$$es on the car hood... slipping and slidding... Squeeking... Grasping for something – ANYthing-- to hold onto.... All the while HE tries to get a better position and practically puts his knee thru the windshield (neverMIND it's your ol' mans car!) ... oh!! and then you look beside you and see WORMS!! WTF is that!!?!? .. NO!!! Not so GLAMOUROUS!!!
- Dude calls in: Never Do it in the BACK YARD... Yeah.. Last Nite... (last nite? i think to myself… it was only 40 some degrees out, if that!!) ... He says…Me and the Wife were in the BACK YARD ... having a bonfire.. and you know, had a couple cocktails, got a little happy ... found the inside of the sleeping bag... and you know.. it was all cool when she was QUIET .. but then it got a LITTLE Out-Of-ConTrol “IFYOUKNOWWHATIMEAN” ... Next thing ya know -- I looked up .. the neighbor lady had come home and she was looking out her kitchen window – staring at us with the phone in her hand!! We were SOOO busted!!! She was not happy. Not a good idea, man. Back Yard… Not a good idea!!
They listed many others.. all that *sound* cool .. or TV make them look lavish....
- Bathroom Stall ... (ok, WHY do ppl want to do it where somebody -- MANY MANY ppl take a crap?!?! P.U.!! where is the romance there, huh??)·
- Car / Truck ... moving ... not sure why we would have sex while driving... but even while the car is STOPPED its all in such a cramped quarters... bruises are bound to happen!!
- Park Bench ... kinda hard (not like a soft bed) ... kinda SMALL ... (not like a regular sized bed) ... risky ... maybe theres where the thrill lies???·
- Bathtub -- too small, not really built for two, water, soap, porceline.. kinda dangerous place to take your endorphines to their high point....
- Shower -- Again .. the whole slippery, soapy scene seems a little dangerous here....
- Jacuzzi -- ever wonder why it says jac-ewwwww-zi??? yuk!!!! and are man parts REALLY expected to work under such conditions -- i mean that water is SCORCHING HOT!!!! you got the opposite of turtle effect going on here...
- Pool / Ocean – sounds fun… ok, I can agree.. but really, water is not a natural lubricant .. trust me on this!!
I don’t know about you … but I think I will always love being romanced in a nice, fluffy, soft BED! :) thats why its called S.E.X... Symphony , Ecstasy, X marks the spot..cuz thats wat u really want huh ;)
PS: Thanks to all the readers for suggesting new ideas and asking us for more raunchy things :)