Its been quite a while since we have updated our blog..i guess we can blame it on the holiday season...I know we could have used this time and could have comeup with some interesting topics but hey we 3 are guys, we like to do our part of prayers and celebrations but ofcourse over drinks, goes without saying i guess.So while we were sitting in different parts of the world, sipping different drinks(KingFisher, Bud Light and Red wine) we had just one thing on our mind. What to pick for this article.
So here comes another controversial topic !!!
It's been said that "Everybody lies sometimes."
And it's true. Everyone does lie from time to time. Men lie; women lie. Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, everyone lies.
So why do people lie? what forces them to lie? But first of all what is a lie?
A lie is something thats formed around a grain of fact, around several layers of fabrication. Some people lie out of habit while someothers are made to lie. Some lie to avoid confrontation while someother lie to just keep the things going. Reason or no reason, lies do form an integral part of our lives.
Men typically lie about everything. While there are times where we HAVE to lie, there are occations where we FEEL like lying as well. For men i guess its a mundane part of life. Indispensable.
If i have to sit and think as to when was the first time i lied. It will be probably way back in Class I or somewhere around that time. And if you ask me the question, i would imagine it would have been "Dhoodh khatam kiya?" or maybe "Homework kiya???"
I was a incorrigable liar(WAS???!!?? who am i kidding). I lied as a kid. Everytime. Everyday. To my parents. To my friends. To my teachers.Hell sometimes even to me. I lied about "not getting result papers" to my parents. I lied about having numerous affairs with girls to my friends. I lied to my teachers about forgetting notebook @ home. I lied to myself that i was a stud and every chick was crazy about me. Every uncaught lie made me stronger, made me more confident, gave me the dare to lie more. So i lied. I lied as a kid and i loved it.I lied about coming home late from school. I lied about going to friends place to get a notebook but instead ran to one of those video game parlours where i would have fair chance to save the world or "the queen" (remember MARIO or CONTRA).
I see my nephew and how he lies about finishing his lunchbox. To him, as long as he brings a empty tiffin box home, noone will probably ask him anything. Cuz noone will expect a 4yr old to lie huh! Little do they know that its not the AGE, its the genes(making his uncle proud!!! I C!!!) :) His teacher sent a note home that he is offering his lunch to other kids and not eating the food himself. so eversince he got caught, he has started dumping the food into a trashcan and since he has seen a lil more world now, he answers the standard question "finished ur lunch????" with a simple answer "go see my lunchbox!!!!!" I dont think we can call that a lie, can we? :)
I checked with couple of my friends if they lied as a kid? and what made them lie? And to my surprise everyone told me that they all started @ a pretty young age. So how do they pick on lies? What forces a kid, a young one and then an adult to lie?
I feel as a kid or as a young one, you pick lying as a tool for avoiding punishment or blame. Cuz thats the only thing you fear. You fear the wrath!!You fear the fury!!!!!! Even though you know that doing certain things can land you in trouble, your inquisite side takes over and often results in spankings. I still remember me getting kicked around by my dad. My punishment would be based on the sin or crime i would have committed. From twisting my ears to grabbing me by my hair and moving my head in circles to slaps to getting beaten by a piece of plastic pipe(one you use to water ur garden with), ive gotten all. There is nothing anyone would hate more than to see getting his ass kicked by their parents in front of everybody, in the open street. I dont know about you guys but ive been in many such situations(like i keep telling you, im your Been there, done that guy) and the first thing that comes to your mind is how to get INSIDE your house as quickly as possible. I bet that would have been my fastest 100/200/400 mt dashes.
Your parents would think that you-lie-i-beat formula will stop you from lying. It will infuse fear in your mind and hence you would stop lying but lil do they know that we try and look for workarounds. We look for more creative ways of lying, more innovative ways of hiding our faults. Once you get scolded for reading comics(the likes of Nagraj,Doga and the superbrain Chacha Chowdhary), you dont give up reading 'em. You simply look for a better technique. Like stuffing the comic book in the middle of your book so it appears to your folks that you are actually studying.
Like one of our friends(Dr.Chin2) told us, he used to wear those beenies(known as monkey caps in India) and plug in the headphones while pretending to study. But what he forgot was to turn down the volume. So while his father came to his room to pick something he heard the music waves coming from "somewhere", only to realize later that it was his son who was playing music. You can imagine what happened to him after he got caught.
So it all starts at a pretty young age. Then when you get into college or a different school, Start hanging out with the so called "Big-guns", you lie every second of the day. Or rather you live a lie. The primary reason for this is that you want to enhance your self-esteem and social status. You lie about having a GF first, you lie about having "done" it with her. Its not that this will get you anything, its just that all this will save you from being the outcast. Cuz girls, partying and sex is the thing everyone else seem to be doing and to be the "one" in the crowd, you tend to lie. Lie your way to popularity.Its the game of one-upmanship. And you dont want to loose there.
Im sure you would have lied too...and i believe you still your job, in your relationships...and im sure as hell its one amongst the following reason
Comments Must!!!
Nice topic....
ReplyDeletePeople lie to get laid, get high paying jobs, etc., In a relationship people lie in fear of loosing their partner...I personally look at it other way..If you really like someone he/she will probably understand the main motive behind someone lying and if that motive is a positive one then it's ok, if its the other way around then its unacceptable...
If you start a realtionship on a basis of lie then its going downhill...but if you start on a trurthful note you might still sail thru the rough times....
Wot if you started a relationship with a lie and then after some time you start liking the other person ?
ReplyDeleteYou tell her that u lied and take what ever you get...
ReplyDeleteI did and she has now in her orkut profile "i hate hypocrites" or turn offs - liars ;)
ReplyDeletethat's her problem....not yours :-)
ReplyDeleteDude.. I too agree with varun... For me Lie has never been an alternative... even when I was a kid and even today in relationships.. I don't say i am Satywadi Harishchandra.. But I make consious efforts to not LIE... Sometime, you have to.. but then there is always an option to go back an apologize and that has been my funda of life... I never got hit by my Parents and will definitely not do that to my kids..
ReplyDeleteI believe If we can trust our kids and have faith in them.. They would never need to lie.. For them seeing a father's broken heart would be the biggest punishment...
Well on that note...i am agree with you Bro....But just think its like we have done the highest degree of this education...Like we have done Ph.D. in lie...or Master in Lie
ReplyDeleteJhoot pe jhoot....Jhoot pe jhoot.....Jhoot pe jhoot...Jhoot pe jhoot.....badle me mila hai to kya sirf jhoot,...
Whatever you more topic on bang from you.....go ahead and keep rockin.....
I was talking to one of my online buddies...he mentioned to me that he once lied to a pakistani chick that he was muslim and he has circumsized his u guys think he crossed limits??
ReplyDeleteBTW his only intention was to sleep with her.... ;-)
We can only say one thing.....jhoot ki koi hud nahi hoti....koi seema nahi
ReplyDeleteyeah I have lied... thousands of times or maybe more...
ReplyDeleteGr8 blog dude! (oops add one more to it ;) )