Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fake….can’t ignore the word and its impact on world around you…Be it attitude, currency or B00B$

First of all apologies for not writing for so long. Life has been a BITCH lately…well actually it depends on what u wearing..BUT since all of us are SUBWAYS(have FOOTLONGS), it would be logical and fair to call LIFE a bitch…anywz...Let’s start with thanking our patrons..people who give us unconditional support and want to hear more from us…people like Varun, Sigma and Mayank who give us the inside scoop and keep our creative buds alive . I would also like to thank and These are those secret admirers who follow us but are reluctant to come to the foreground…Cheers to yall.

Okie doke..we have legit reasons of lying low…While some of us had to take Life altering decisions, some others like me, were enjoying getting raped…by Life of course...it was getting very uninspiring but then some caught our eye..and we thought we should spread the word and ask your opinion about the same…and the thing that caught our attention was BOOBS…
This weekend we just met a friend of ours who told us that his GF wants to to get a Boob Job done ( Very Sorry Bro .. We had to put this ;) . We were wondering why would she do that ?. What forced her to go under the knife???

Presentation is the key..we all have heard that one before, but altering something that’s natural , just for the sake of making it presentable…how fair is that?? Altering the original design or vanilla implementation and customizing it .. Is it really needed??? Why can’t we accept things as they are?? Why is pretence being preached everywhere? Why do those texts or fwded messages with nice thoughts always look good in cell phones or email ? Why are things not in the shade of Black or White?? We tread the diplomatic road and then we start going astray. We start faking… Fake Accent, Fake relationships and now Fake Boobs?!?!?!?! Damn!!! What next!?!?!?!?

We @ 3pinhole, have our own personal beliefs but that doesn’t mean whatever we believe in is the truth and should be followed by everyone..we just want to know if you would dare to be urself???
If you would tell us How many faces do you have?

PS: We love B00bs…from ‘just-a-handful’ to ‘in-ur-freaking-face’ ..all sizes…but if we r talking about Indian male fantasy, then I guess SIZE DOES MATTER!!!


  1. Does the latest inventions in the medical field..let u have flavoured boobs... Leftone strawberry and right one choclate??? Just a food for thought??..

    When u gonna fake it...why dont you go full monty???

  2. fake it buddy, fake it.. after all you are competing with 6 billion people and hardly anyone cares for truth...

    How many faces do I have?
    Well that depends on how many ppl I met today ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I totally agree... I personally would not care of the size... But on second thought.. If you see two women walking down the street. one with huge racks and one with not so great ones.. which one do you stare at? So, presentation does really matter when it comes to strangers.. But, if you already have a special person in your life who loves you the way you are.. Who are you trying to impress by getting the job done?

    I think it may be right if you are trying to impress someone and trying to find someone special.. But not otherwise...

  5. I am in disagreement here .. personally I have a core that love "presentation ...." (not all the times though). One should be given a chance to feel they are important .. and worth, if faking does that from them .. then I am in the club bro. Happy Living.
